Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Racism in sports

     What roles do sports play in racism? I believe that sports have a huge role in racism because they put both the races colored and white together in the same game on the same team and they are all equal to each other no matter what. like in the movie "Remember The Titans" they made them sleep with one of each race. They made them understand each other and once they understood each other they were able to play like no tomorrow and didn't lose a single game all season.

     I believe that sports do help to eliminate racism. Because in the movie 42 Jackie Robinson was not wanted in the white major league baseball. But after a few games he was loved by his teammates and treated like one of there own. This is the reason why I believe that sports help to eliminate racism without sports we probably would never have accepted the colored people for who they are and not the color of there skin.
      I believe that sports both amateur and professional have a huge responsibility to play in racism like in the movie "Glory Road" where more and more people started to love them for having colored people on there team and as there starters in the championship game. The reason why I think that is because the fans of the sports will tend to copy their team and favorite players.


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Is He A Hero

     The hero archetype is based off many different characteristics such as a warrior to the super heroic and anything in between. the movie that I'm deciding if it matches the hero archetype is the movie "Brave Heart" which is about the Scottish trying to fight for there freedom and to get away from English rules. I believe that "William Wallace" fit into many of the hero archetypes such as hero as a warrior because  he fought and killed many English men after the murder of his wife "Marion Braidfute". Another is hero as a scapegoat because he gets tortured for the lives of many Scotsman and there freedom. Also as the defiant hero because he defied the English king and the jarls of his people and did what he had to do for his people. Finally he is also the denied hero due to his status as a farmer and not of royal blood and considered a scoundrel.

     The type of archetypical journey for the movie "Brave Heart" is one of many such as the quest for vengeance which is why William Wallace retaliated in the first place because they killed his wife. Another one is the warriors journey to save his people because William Wallace kind of adopts that journey after hundreds of Scotsman joined him on his vengeance journey. and the final journey is the quest to rid this land of danger because the English men are dangerous to his people and think of his people as slaves.