Thursday, September 25, 2014

Is The Road To Perdition Film Noire

Is The Road To Perdition a film noire or is it something else? I strongly believe that it is film noire and the reason why is that the movie is very dark throughout the movie like in scenes when people were getting shot or murdered. Especially when Michael saw his father and Connor Rooney kill three men that were accused of stealing from the boss or the head of the family John Rooney. Most of the time the people died during the night and throughout the movie they mainly shot when it was raining or dark.
I also believe that it is film noire is that all the adult men are wearing fedoras and thick overcoats that went along the length of the mans body and covered most of them so they could hide there weapons. The women wore long dresses that showed a low neckline and wore long white gloves. they also smoked a little bit in the movie not as much as in the other film noire movies. 
The final reason is that throughout the whole movie you were never mislead into thinking there would be a happy ending for the 2 of them. Like when they were robbing banks they were having a good time and then the bounty hunter found them he tried to stop them from running but mike shot a glass vase in his face. They got away but not before the bounty hunter shot mike in the arm. After that Mike got sick from the wound in his arm and almost died from it.

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