Friday, December 19, 2014

Are They Similar

     The films I will be discussing today are "Its a Wonderful Life" and "Family Man" and I will tell you how are they similar and how are they different and so on and so forth. These 2 films are similar because they both get a chance to see how life is different with or without something. like with George Bailey an angel named Clarence gives him a chance to see how life was like without him being even born because he thinks that people will be better off without him. With Jack Campbell he is given the opportunity by another angel to see what his life could of been like when Jack went to London but came back the next day and stayed with Kate and ended up marrying her instead of becoming a rich business man.
     These films are different because they get to see different things that changed there views on life. Like George Baily got to see that he is a very good and honest person that has led a wonderful life. While Jack Campbell is given the opportunity to see what his life is missing and that their are things more important than money and power. Another thing is that George Baily was poor and had a hard time paying for things and Jack Campbell was filthy stinking rich.
     The character elements are the same because they have the same ambitions in the beginning to get rich and do whatever they have to stay that way. They are different because George Baily cares for other people throughout the film and Jack Campbell only cares for him and his business. Yes the themes are the same because in the end they both learn valuable lessons and try to fix the wrong they have done or the pain the may have caused people.
     They compare to Charles Dickens work by how they both are mad about something or don't realize what they are missing or have spirits visit them and try and tell them what they have or what they are missing and once they realize it they both try and fix it just like Scrooge.

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