Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Racism in Movies

     The three films that we watched and the 2 films that I have actually seen out of them I think that the directors would make the movies different if they were a different race. Like in the movie "Schindler's List" I would really think that the directors would really tell the story differently if he was a German catholic. If he was a German catholic he would probably try and make the Germans look like they are the good guys and the Jews look like they are the bad guys.
     The movie "42" (which was directed by a white guy) would probably have been told a whole different way where Jackie Robinson would of been a hero who took no ones crap and always stood up for himself and fought for the colored peoples freedom to play baseball with the white people.
      If the director for the movie "Remember The Titans" was a different race I'm pretty sure they would try to make the white people a little less rude to the colored people like how the white guy threw the brick through the coaches window. They probably would of changed it to the white guy knocking on his door and telling him he didn't like the way he coached the football players making the colored boys on the first line instead of the white boys that were already there.

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