Thursday, January 15, 2015

Shawshank Redemption Final

     In the movie "Shawshank Redemption"there are several characters that are redeemed in what they have done. Like Andy Dufresne who wasn't supposed to be in there anyways got his redemption when he escaped from Shawshank prison. He double crossed the warden and took his shoes that he just shined and the papers that contain the information for all the money that Andy helped him steal through the years. Then there is Red who got his redemption when he decided to leave the state and break his parole so he could see his friend Andy again. Then there is also the new guy who got redemption before he was shot and killed by the captain of the guard. his redemption was that he got a high school education and his diploma and that he realized that there is more to life than stealing things and acting like a guy that thinks he's all bad.
     Does "Shawshank Redemption" live up to its name? I think it definitely does because everyone that the movie was trying to show either got redemption or they got what was coming to them. Like the warden for instance he was taking bribes for years and storing it away in a bank while the prison got nothing not one dime of that money. But as he thought everything was fine Andy escaped and took all his money and sent a letter to the Newspaper and the police read it and went to arrest him. The warden didn't want to get arrested so he pulled out a Snub Nose .38 and blew his brains out. The crooked captain of the prison guard that killed 2 people in the movie got what was coming to him after the police showed up to arrest him. He went quietly and was sent to court and then prison I don't know if it was Shawshank prison or not.
     The flaws of the characters that got redeemed are a little difficult to explain because they're so hard to point out. Andy's flaw is that he is just to honest about things. He never believes certain things either but he is always there to help the ones that come to him for help. Red's flaw is that he just doesn't seem to care about parole anymore he thinks that he is stuck in there for the rest of his life and there is nothing he can do about it. The wardens fatal flaw was thinking that he is untouchable in the eyes of the lord and with the prison because he was surrounded by prisoners that nobody would believe if they told people what happened in Shawshank prison.

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